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李窯主那天說起...... 在窯廠成長的記憶,小時候看著瓦窯業的盛況,各家瓦販成列的牛車排著等候出窯紅瓦。這樣的景況聯結著父親的身影,以及先祖在窯廠打拼的臉孔。 服完兵役後,與家母同住在窯廠,雖然在銀行任職,但還是常常兼著窯廠送貨的差事;當時傳統磚瓦的蕭條已經是夕陽產業的疲勢,不忍家中長輩太過勞動,亦不忍了延續幾代的產業,就此告終;心裡百般掙扎,輾轉思揣多時,終是決定離開銀行的工作,將生涯的規劃轉換到瓦窯產業的延續。 那時,一方面跟著伯公熟悉瓦廠的運作,一方面腦袋想著市場極度萎縮的傳統磚瓦產業該怎麼延續。後來慢慢就有了把瓦窯的古早文化結合社區的力量推廣的想法,這樣的想法有幸匯集了在地社區認同的朋友投入,慢慢從文化導覽起步,繼而發展磚瓦工藝創作教學、體驗活動,經過緩慢的累積才逐漸看見文創轉型的雛形。 Owner LEE said… When I was a child, I remember that I saw a lot of oxcarts in every tile factory waiting for the red tiles be done. These memories and situations which I grew up in with the kiln factories let me memorize the view of my father’s back and the hard-working faces of my ancestors. After I finished the military service, I lived in the kiln factory with my mother. Although I worked in the bank, I still kept the part-time job of delivery. At that time, the depression of traditional tile industry is really serious. I couldn’t bear to let my parents do such an exhausting work and to see this family company come to an end. After struggling for a long time, I decided to quit the job in the bank and take over Tile Factory. At that time, I was learning how to operate Tile Factory from my uncle and thinking the way that can thrive the traditional tile industry again. Afterwards, we came up with an idea that we could promote Tile Factory by combining traditional culture and power of community. This idea brought many local friends who have the sense of community identity together. We started from culture tour, tile crafts teaching and experience activities. After a long process, we can finally see the embryonic from the reconversion of traditional tile industry to culture creative. |
想:台灣這塊土地已經有很多過往的失去,只是磚瓦,也許可以留住什麼! Thinking: Taiwan had lost a lot. But tiles may keep something for us. |
空間 土地的傳說,從農耕綠作時漫開,赤腳踩踏間無聲轉變;回望時,記憶的窗口,依稀看到歲月的遺痕在空間裡迴盪。想用夢想、用意念、用心動的力量,在緊促的時代裡緩慢訴說磚瓦空間的故事。 Space The legend of lands has spread from farming. A silence change happens while walking barefooted. When I look back, I can see the scar of years through the window of memory. It is telling a story of tiles slowly in this rush era through the power of dreams, thoughts, and heartbeats.
生活 生活中有炫麗,有內斂,有擁擠,有散漫,有繁擾,有輕緩。用方磚片瓦傳遞一種看得到、摸得到的重量與溫度,在簡約的生活線條裡,感受熟悉卻遙遠的張望。 Life There are many kinds of lives, introverted, crowed, undisciplined, complicated, slowly. We use the square tiles to spread the temperature which we could see and touch. In the simple lifestyle, we could feel the familiar but faraway view. The Old-time of Taiwan |
古早味 樸拙的觸摸與溫敦的色調,敘述著時光挪移的留戀;有闌珊燈火的溫暖,有淡然顰笑的表情,有古今來往的深度,都在這裡沉靜的等待著時光繼續流轉。 Simply touching and tender describe the love of time passing. It has the warmth of lights, the face expression of smile, and the depth of ancient and modern. All of these wait for time circulation quietly. |
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