- 許安然 籍貫屏東創始瓦廠,後轉賣李意經營。
- SHIU AN RAN, born in Pingtung, was the founder of the original tile factory and later sold it to Lee Yi.
- 李 意 籍貫高雄,41歲買下瓦廠,成為大樹當地人經營的瓦廠。
- LEE YI, born in Kaohsiung, bought the tile factory at the age of 41.
- 李玉柱 原本於台東任警職,在叔侄李義雄及家族協助下經營瓦廠,後於1964年辭去警務專心瓦廠事務。
- LEE YU ZHU, a policeman in Taitung, started to operate the tile factory with LEE YI XIONG and his family.
- 李義雄 偕妻李黃秀蘭管理瓦廠,現任窯主李俊宏父親。
- LEE YI XIONG, father of the present owner, operated the tile factory with his wife.
- 李俊宏 李玉柱侄孫(李義雄子),自小在瓦廠成長,曾任職於銀行,工作之餘與母李黃秀蘭協助瓦廠營運,1993離開銀行工作,全心投入瓦廠產業。
- LEE JYUN HONG, son of LEE YI XIONG, was brought up in the tile factory. He used to serve in a bank and helped his mother to manage the tile factory in his spare time. He quitted his job in 1993 and devoted himself to the tile factory.